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Dr. Eric Rooker

I am a veterinary medical professional looking to facilitate professional and personal development within our vocation.  I strongly believe that today's medical professionals lag behind their peers in other industries when it comes to peer interaction and collaboration.  


I have made it my mission to correct this problem by creating content that informs, exposes and trains YOU on how to transition from merely surviving day to day life as an operator, but will instead empower you to take ownership of your career and lifestyle. 


My classroom and lecture experiences are crafted around a culture of mutual development in which speakers AND participants share real successes and failures with you so you can learn from them and use those experiences to foster your own success.  

Development Op Overview



Join Dr. Rooker for personally tailored training sessions that are designed for your specific goals.  Participants will receive 1 on 1 coaching sessions that are designed to create growth and facilitate progression toward their individual professional and personal goals. 

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Professional Development


Join our trained Mastermind facilitators as we bring like minded veterinary professionals together in peer based advisory groups.

Discuss topics that others in your practice may not find interesting, but you feel will push your professional development forward.  Creating an otherwise impossible conversation that can fuel your professional development.

Every Mastermind group meeting contains a unique lesson build to leverage your innate psychology for accelerated and resilient professional development.  Each participant will get dedicated time to address their challenges and will receive feedback and resources designed to create solutions for their unique challenges.

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Peer Based Veterinary Masterminds

Get unique content that was created exclusivity for our Facebook members.  Exclusive training videos, articles, blog posts and motivation quotes are posted every day to help facilitate your professional and personal development.
Join our community today to find other like minded individuals who will help accelerate your professional development plan!

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Coaching Home Page
Join me as I explore different topics related to professional and personal development in veterinary medicine.  Each month I will focus on a new topic that can help grow your skills and improve your business.

For for unique and exclusive supplemental information join our Facebook group too!

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